Networking Urban Pilgrims
+ Networking Urban Pilgrims. Central Saint Martins, MAID. Year 2011
By 2050 more than the 70% of the population (that will be over 9 billions worldwide) will be concentrated in the cities.
Due to the shirking of society many gaps have appeared in the urban landscape and the city is becoming more and more sponge-like. System that intends to integrate spaces, maximising urban building use and elevating the quality of life in a mobile society.
Evolved software of Facebook will bring to the future inhabitants of the city a sense of stability in a bigger scale. The city as they will called Home in which they will create a community.
Still there is the problem of having to take your own possessions with you. Like a snail with its shell and the burden that this represents.
Accessible storage located at in transit spaces will help them to get relieve and again secure in a coordinated system. It works as a kiosk where you will deposit your gods and it will be automatically taken by a vacuum collection system to the main storage building.
Your prove of the transaction you will get a receipt that also is a token based card system that will trigger to a virtual representation of that object. It will be created automatically an object profile as we now for people right now for Facebook, where you will be able to upload info, share experiences, etc. with other users.
The main condition is that they can be only 150 objects (as meaningful relationships we can have with people). This project believes in the qualities of objects as place makers.
+ Networking Urban Peregrinos. Central Saint Martins, MAID. Año 2011
En 2050 más del 70% de la población (que sobrepasará los 9 billones) estará concentrado en las ciudades.
Debido al este crecimiento concentrado la ciudad adoptará una tipología similar al de una esponja . Un sistema que integra espacios y rentabiliza el uso de los edificios en una sociedad cada vez más nómada.
Una evolución del software de Facebook traerá a los habitantes la estabilidad anhelada y podrán decir que la ciudad es su hogar.
Un servicio de almacenamiento localizado en los lugares de tránsito ayudará a sentirse aliviados y seguros en un sistema coordinado. El sistema funciona a través de un recolector al vacío que transporta tus objetos directamente al edificio de almacenaje.
El recibo de la transacción es una tarjeta-token que es una representación virtual del objeto y da acceso a un perfil online de dicho objeto, donde se compartirán imágenes, comentarios con amigos y otros usuarios.
La condición principal es que está reducido a un máximo de 150 objetos por persona (al igual que el numero de relaciones personales de Amistad plenas que una persona puede llevar a cabo). Este proyecto cree en la cualidad de los objetos como creadores de espacios.
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